Unfortunately, the popularity of Gucci shoes and their high price-tags means these shoes are often counterfeited. If you're buying Gucci online, particularly from venues such as eBay or BizRate it’s important to make sure you know you're getting the real thing. Unfortunately, this can be difficult to do when you can't see the goods in person.
Price is often a good indicator of authenticity. It's highly unlikely that someone would sell a genuine pair of Gucci shoes for much less than a couple of hundred dollars. If you find a pair going for an unusually low price, you should approach with caution.
While only an official Gucci reseller will be able to authentic a pair of shoes for you, watch for tell-tale signs such as sellers with poor feedback or people who won't tell you where they acquired the shoes in the first place. If you do decide to buy online, check the workmanship of your shoes carefully. Gucci shoes are known for their high-quality craftsmanship. If yours don't match your expectations, they may not be the real thing